Three pillars of sustainability

All organisations seeking FISP certification must demonstrate how the three pillars of sustainability and the global sustainable development goals are embedded within their organisation.

FISP is an independently certified sustainability programme, supported by an annual audit to assess compliance with the FISP scheme and for certified members to demonstrate the improvements they have achieved.

The audit comprises of three sections:

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Section 1 - compulsory requirements

Demonstrate that environmental policy is appropriate to the scope of the business
Show that adequate legal registers are in place to ensure compliance with environmental as well as health and safety legislation.

Section 2 - environmental options

Environmental Management System
Energy Management and Efficiency
Waste Management
Sustainable Packaging Management
Sustainable Procurement
Sustainable Transport
Sustainable Timber
Air and Water Management
Eco-design and End of Life Management

Section 3 - economic and social options

Nuisance Management
Community Relations and Charity Work
Workforce Development and Training
Ethical Employment
Corporate Reporting and Awards

Section 1 is compulsory, requiring companies to demonstrate that the environmental policy is appropriate to the scope of their business and reflective of the environmental impacts. There is also a requirement to show that adequate legal registers are in place to ensure compliance with environmental as well as health and safety legislation.

Sections 2 and 3 of the audit allow organisation to select the categories most appropriate to their own business.

Section 2 examines the environmental performance of the business, with FISP members needing to complete at least 6 of the 9 options that are available.

Section 3 addresses social and economic criteria. There are currently six options with a minimum of
four selected for assessment. An additional section on health and wellbeing will be added in the
near future.

Demonstrate your sustainability credentials

Become a FISP member